Edge Contraction GraphΒΆ

Contract the edges of an arbitrary graph and call callbacks when edges and nodes are merged

  • ../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_edge_contraction_graph_001.png
  • ../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_edge_contraction_graph_002.png
  • ../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_edge_contraction_graph_003.png
  • ../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_edge_contraction_graph_004.png
  • ../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_edge_contraction_graph_005.png
  • ../../_images/sphx_glr_plot_edge_contraction_graph_006.png


contraction graph: 2
e 0
      u 0 cv 2
     cu 0  v 2
     contract edge 0
     merge nodes 0 2
     contract edge done 0
contraction graph: 1
e 1
      u 0 cv 1
     cu 0  v 1
     contract edge 1
     merge nodes 0 1
     merge edges 4 2
     contract edge done 1
contraction graph: 3
e 2
      u 1 cv 3
     cu 0  v 3
     contract edge 4
     merge nodes 0 3
     contract edge done 4
contraction graph: 4
e 3
      u 2 cv 4
     cu 0  v 4
     contract edge 3
     merge nodes 0 4
     merge edges 5 6
     contract edge done 3
contraction graph: 0
e 4
      u 2 cv 3
     cu 0  v 0
contraction graph: 5
e 5
      u 3 cv 5
     cu 0  v 5
     contract edge 5
     merge nodes 0 5
     contract edge done 5
contraction graph: 0
e 6
      u 4 cv 5
     cu 0  v 0

from __future__ import print_function
import nifty
import nifty.graph
import pylab

def generateGrid(gridSize):
    def nid(x, y):
        return x*gridSize[1] + y
    G = nifty.graph.UndirectedGraph
    g =  G(gridSize[0] * gridSize[1])
    for x in range(gridSize[0]):
        for y in range(gridSize[1]):

            u = nid(x,y)

            if x + 1 < gridSize[0]:

                v = nid(x+1, y)
                g.insertEdge(u, v)

            if y + 1 < gridSize[1]:

                v = nid(x, y+1)
                g.insertEdge(u, v)
    return g

class MyCallback(nifty.graph.EdgeContractionGraphCallback):
    def __init__(self):
        super(MyCallback, self).__init__()

    def contractEdge(self, edgeToContract):
        print("     contract edge",edgeToContract)

    def mergeEdges(self, aliveEdge, deadEdge):
        print("     merge edges",aliveEdge, deadEdge)

    def mergeNodes(self, aliveNode, deadNode):
        print("     merge nodes", aliveNode, deadNode)

    def contractEdgeDone(self, contractedEdge):
        print("     contract edge done", contractedEdge)

# generate grid graph
g   = generateGrid((3,2))

# the callback
callback = MyCallback()

# the edge contraction graph
cg = nifty.graph.edgeContractionGraph(g,callback)

# plot the graph

# - here we just contract all edges of the original graph
counter = 0
for e in g.edges():

    # get the endpoints of e in the original
    u,v = g.uv(e)

    # get the nodes in the merged graph
    cu = cg.findRepresentativeNode(u)
    cv = cg.findRepresentativeNode(v)

    print("contraction graph:", cv)
    print("      u",u, "cv",v)
    print("     cu",cu," v",cv)

    if(cu != cv):
        # the edge is still alive
        # since the endpoints are still in
        # different clusters
        ce = cg.findRepresentativeEdge(e)

        # lets contract that edge

        # plot the graph
        pylab.title('after contracting %d -- %d'%(cu, cv))
        counter += 1

        # the edge is not alive any more
        tmp = cg.nodeOfDeadEdge(e)
        assert tmp == cv

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.305 seconds)

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